Prices - Offers
Transport pet from Attica to Salonica
- 6-7 hours for your pet delivery
- Several stops for the physical needs of your pet
- Constant observe of the condition of your pet
- Constant check of the through with water inside the crate
- Keeping the owner informed about the condition of the pet and the status of the transport
- Keeping the receiver person informed for the condition of the pet and the status of the transport
Pet transport inside Attica
- Distance less than 40 km of the route
- Constant check of pet's condition
- Keeping informed of the pet condition and transport
- Feeding
- Stop for physical needs (instead the driver consider it emergent)
Pricing policy for pet transport outside of Attica
- From Attica to Salonica
- From Attica to Peloponissos
- From Greece to Central Europe
Availability of choosing a grouped route
* Contact us
Pricing policy for transporting pet from/to airport/port
- Safe pet delivery inside the boat after communicating with person of responsibility
- Ανάληψη ευθύνης για την σωστή παραλαβή του κατοικιδίου
- Keeping the owner informed about the status of the pet transport
- Waiting as long as it is needed for receiving or delivering the pet in ports or airports